All Americans Deserve an Income Floor.
Mayors for a Guaranteed Income is a network of mayors advocating for a guaranteed income to ensure that all Americans have an income floor.
Economic insecurity isn’t a new challenge or a partisan issue. Wealth and income inequality, which have long plagued our country, continue to grow. Rooted in Dr. King’s legacy, mayors across the country are coming together to advocate for a guaranteed income—direct, recurring cash payments—that lifts all of our communities, building a resilient, just America. Everyone deserves an income floor through a guaranteed income.
In a country that works for all of us, no one who works full-time should be stuck in poverty or worries about making ends meet. It’s time to reimagine and rethink our economic structures by piloting a guaranteed income.
Mayor Melvin Carter
Saint Paul, MN
Become a Guaranteed Income Movement Leader
Are you a Mayor interested in joining our coalition?
Our Statement of Principles
In joining MGI, Mayors agree to advocate for a guaranteed income at the local, state, and federal level; invest in narrative change efforts to highlight the lived experiences of economic insecurity; and invite other cities to join us in our efforts, and provide technical assistance and funding support for new pilots.
Research and Evaluation
MGI together with the University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy & Practice (SP2) has established the Center for Guaranteed Income Research (the Center). The goal of the Center is to consolidate the key learnings from the pilots taking place in MGI member cities and to leverage data to build from pilots to a federal policy.
Frequently Asked Questions
We often field questions like “What is a guaranteed income? Why Mayors? How would we pay for a guaranteed income?” Check out our responses here.
I support a guaranteed income because even before the COVID-19 pandemic, our low-income families and residents were living paycheck-to-paycheck, and were unable to save for an emergency or find a path out of poverty. A guaranteed income would invest in and support those families and residents during a time they need it most.
Mayor Sumbul Siddiqui
Cambridge, MA